Friday, 12 March 2010

Progress Report - Romantic Vest

Although it is a painfully tedious process, I have been forcing myself to knit a row here and there when I'm on the train or in the car. And slowly but surely I am beginning to see a faint light at the end of the very long tunnel... I am almost finished knitting the back! How I will ever find the motivation to even cast on the front I don't know but for now I am focusing on the positive aspects.
Listening to the Never Not Knitting podcast helps to keep my mind entertained even if my hands seem to be working in slow motion.

I also took courage today when my sister sent me 21 gorgeous photos of my nephew Xavier wearing the seed stitch hoodie that I knitted for him last year. The fresh autumnal weather this morning gave her the opportunity to put it on him, for what could be the last time as he is almost too big for it now. At the time I found knitting the seed stitch very tedious but seeing it again now after 6 months I am very impressed with how it looks and am proud to have knitted it.

So onwards and upwards...


  1. I am so proud for him to wear it. I tell everyone that my clever sister made it. As for your slow hands - think of it as a blessing. You don't have the slap happy approach mum and I share! And by the way - isn't my boy gorgeous?

  2. Absolutely!!! I love the photo second from the left on the bottom row; he has his Nonno's eyebrows in that one!


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